Salary account tailor made for you
Open Baroda Salary Account today!.
Baroda Kenya Salary account
Open a Baroda Salary Account today and enjoy all the benefits tailored to meet the needs of all salaried class employees from entry level to top management, from Government Sector and Private Sector.
Baroda Kenya Salary account : Features
- No Minimum Balance
- No Maintenance Charge
- Cheque Book Facilities Available
- Baroda Connect-Internet Banking
- Mobile Banking with mPesa services
- Nil processing fees.
Baroda Kenya Salary account : Overview
Open a Baroda Salary Account today and enjoy all the benefits tailored to meet the needs of all salaried class employees from entry level to top management, from Government Sector and Private Sector. With no minimum balance and access to a mid-month Salary advance to get you through trying months, this is the account for you